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Special thanks to: Wikipedia, Sir Rollz Elan

Philippine History - Globalization


    Globalization is synonymous to the phenomenon of acceleration. For the past 25 years rapid changes have affected political, economic and social developments. Acceleration is seen in vast technological changes, media revolution, global economic integration and massive changes in production systems and labour markets. All these rapid increases in transnational flow of capital, trade and technology have marked its effects on international migration as well. Global economic restructuring has led not only to disruption in less developed or developing economies, it has also been a factor in unemployment, wage decline or job insecurity in dominant market economies.1Heavily indebted countries, like the Philippines have resorted to labor export to help them afloat

    Economic Globalization is something that has been with the human race ever since the world has begun. From local to global, we could attribute this to the result of human innovation and technological progress. Globalization from the word global means spreading throughout the world, in other words spreading world-wide. The aims of having a 'globalized community' is to have interdependence of the entire world and its people from each other with concern for the rest of the world at the expense of national self-development and self-interests.

    Specialists say that globalization refers to the increasing integration of economics around the world, particularly through trade and financial flows. This integration of economics is concerned more on the inclusion of people of all races on an equal basis in a world-wide view of living in a shared global community. But we should also put into consideration that it could also refer to the movement of people from which we could extract labor, knowledge from the ever increasing advancements in science and technology, cultural, political and environmental dimensions of globalization. With globalization in hand, there would be an extension beyond national borders of the same market forces that have operated for centuries at all levels of human economic activity. We could no longer say that economic trade, progress, and chances of one to having to share something with the world is limited to just national and local borders. In globalizing the world, it would mean taking on some risks and chances of either winning or losing in a world where there is more competition in the field of economic growth and progress.

    Globalization creates both winners and losers. This is a view shared by many, but not all, theorists and commentators. There are many trends of thought regarding exactly who the winners and losers may be as well as what may be considered a prize or a punishment. An example is that some may sight the availability if McDonalds fast food throughout the Philippines an enrichment and some may see it as an unwelcome and unsavory invasion of what we have as our own, Jollibee. Comparison between these opinions paints an interesting picture of what Globalization is, what certain parties want it to be seen as and what kind of world it could create. Anthony Giddens says "Globalization, some argue, creates a world of winners and losers, a few on the fast track to prosperity, the majority condemned to a life of misery and despair." This is a view shared by many theorists, however positive Globalists, perhaps naively, claim Globalization will lead to winnings for all and extreme pessimists exist who see 'Globalization' as the path to mass ruin and exploitation and as a vague buzzword umbrella from under which Governments may defend unjust or unpopular policies.

    There are various definitions of what 'Globalization' is, and the effect it has on the world. Globalists believe Globalization is a real and evident process. They argue that examples of a significant shift in the geography of social relations can be seen in terms of economics, culture and politics. For example is the effect of the US economy's down turn had on the share prices of British companies who trade and deal largely within US markets. We can see that international trade and investment has increased in recent years with many companies having bases and influence in many different countries. The most effective of which is through global media participation as what we see in CNN. Culturally we can see everyday examples of what Globalists would call Globalization. In the Philippines, we eat McDonalds and Sushi, wear Issey Miyake perfume, watch Dream Works films and play Sony Playstation games. Though, politically nation states do not hold ultimate power over all policies and all behavior as a whole. Political concerns may have be affected by globalization but not to the same effect as economics would have. Globalization allows the dogged pursuit of free and open trade, where nation boundaries do not stand in the pathway of Capitalism but where, through freer and less rigidly controlled capital and goods traffic, unwanted trades such as illegal drugs are also allowed to prosper freely.

    Traditionalists would argue that the term 'Globalization' itself is merely a buzzword to describe a process that has occurred throughout history. In particular, they argue, the passage of goods and capital across national boundaries has happened for centuries, bringing with it the spread of different cultures and knowledge. Examples of this can be found like tobacco, paper, religion and medical beliefs and techniques. In the 19th century open trading and liberal economics relations were the norm and 'Globalization' can be seen as an expansion of those ideals. Traditionalists are also ready to point out that not all economic and social activity has been handed over to global channels Traditionalists believe that there is still scope for national politics, for self-government of nation states and for national governments to not lose post-war welfare states in the pursuit of a globalized society.

    Globalists generally fall into two categories which are those who are Pessimists and those who are Optimists. Pessimists, whose views will be explored later, and Optimists, who suggest, in terms of cultural globalization, that the world is moving towards a 'global community' and in terms of economic globalization, that the rich people of the world can only benefit from globalization, that what globalization brings to them, although it is not the full western lifestyle with all the trimmings and privileges, that it is better than current and past conditions. As I see it, only the West who predominantly belong to the first world countries control and take advantage of globalization for they have the means, wealth, and access to do whatever that is that they want. They could just try and experiment on third world countries and retreat back to their own countries if ever business is bad. Like for example when they invest in the Philippines, they would have a bigger chance of surviving for labor is cheap and that still in a bigger chance that their produce will be far better of than ours. Without liberalization that goes hand in hand with globalization, taxes would be on a level basis and that the only problem of investors in our country would be how to compete with local products.

    However, the Optimists or Positive Globalizers have a clear and positive take on what Globalization is and what affect it will have on the organizations and citizens of the world. Optimists concentrate on the possible benefits of Globalization. They suggest that Globalization offers an improved quality of life, living standards and a chance to bring people together through improved connectivity throughout the world. The Internet is one medium through which many theorists see stretched social relations and opportunities for sharing of cultures and understanding between different nations making us all 'world citizens'. We should also be thankful to new technology for physical place no longer gets in the way when creating a community. Huge worldwide telephone networks, offering both landlines and mobile telephone coverage, vast satellite television coverage, the Internet and Digital Radio for example, provide world wide easy, cheap and accessible communication. I would argue that it is naïve to assume that every person world wide has access to all or any of the technologies listed above. i would say that the notion of the 'Global Village' is an idea that has had a recent resurgence due to the new possibilities of the Internet. In fact AOL's current advertising campaign advertises their service as a 'Digital Community', a strikingly phrase that connotes something worldwide. To use the notion of global and digital communities to sell a product suggests how popular the idea of the 'Global Village' is and that widespread western belief in such a possibility exists.

    In conclusion, every nation's development concerns involve a global dimension. The world is fast becoming one global village. People are citizens of the world as they are of their own nation. No longer can a country turn inward and isolate itself, content to move at its own pace without being in touch with the rest of the world. Today, economic interdependence binds otherwise ideologically separate nation-states together. The exigencies of trade reconcile even the most bitter enemies. And even the most obstinate nationalism must give way to economic and political cooperation. This global context redefines nationalism and national interest which could lead to the loss of self-identity. But in the other hand, any country pursuing growth and prosperity must discover that it must do so within the global scheme of things. It must seek out areas of interaction and cooperation, first with its closest neighbors, then within the region, and eventually with the rest of the world... if it aims to get anywhere.
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But history is neither watchmaking nor cabinet construction. It is an endeavor toward better understanding.
-Marc Bloch
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